Publications / preprints:
- D. Ponomarev, "A method to extrapolate the data for the inverse magnetisation problem with a planar sample"
, Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation (IPMS 2024) - Extended abstracts [accepted], 2024.
- A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev, "On the limiting amplitude principle for the wave equation with variable coefficients"
, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 49 (4), 333-380, 2024.
- D. Ponomarev, "Generalised model of wear in contact problems: the case of oscillatory load"
, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Springer, 2023.
- D. Ponomarev, "Magnetisation moment of a bounded 3D sample: asymptotic recovery from planar measurements on a large disk using Fourier analysis"
, arXiv:2205.14776, 2022.
- D. Ponomarev, "A generalised time-evolution model for contact problems with wear and its analysis"
, Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems, 10-3, 279-319, 2022.
- D. Ponomarev, "A short note on the appearance of the simplest antilinear ODE in several physical contexts"
, AppliedMath, 2 (3), 2022.
- A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev, "On the exponential time-decay for the one-dimensional wave equation with variable coefficients"
, Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis, 21 (10), 3389-3405, 2022.
- A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev, "An adaptive finite element method for high-frequency scattering problems with smoothly varying coefficients"
, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 109, 1-14, 2022.
- D. Ponomarev, "Asymptotic solution to convolution integral equations on large and small intervals"
, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477:20210025, 2021.
- D. Ponomarev, "Plane wave diffraction on a cylinder: WKB series combined with the asymptotic approximation near tangency points using the Pekeris caret function"
, [working notes], 2019.
- D. Ponomarev, "Asymptotic solutions of convolution integral equations with even positive definite kernels on a small or large interval"
, Proceedings of UKBIM12, 2019.
- L. Baratchart, J. Leblond, D. Ponomarev, "Solution of a homogeneous version of Love type integral equation in different asymptotic regimes"
, Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Springer, 2019.
- L. Bourgeois, J. Dardé, D. Ponomarev, "An inverse obstacle problem for the wave equation in a finite time domain"
, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13 (2), 377-400, 2019.
- L. Baratchart, S. Chevillard, J. Leblond, E. Lima, D. Ponomarev, "Asymptotic method for estimating magnetic moments from field measurements on a planar grid"
, HAL Id:hal-01421157, 2018.
- L. Baratchart, J. Leblond, E. Lima, D. Ponomarev, "Magnetization moment recovery using Kelvin transformation and Fourier analysis"
, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser., 904, 2017.
- J. Leblond, D. Ponomarev, "On some extremal problems for analytic functions with constraints on real or imaginary parts"
, Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 219-236, 2017.
- J. Leblond, D. Ponomarev, "Recovery of analytic functions with prescribed pointwise values on the disk from partial boundary data"
, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 25 (2), 2017.
- L. Baratchart, J. Leblond, D. Ponomarev, "Constrained optimization in classes of analytic functions with prescribed pointwise values"
, arXiv:1401.7633, 2014.
- D. Pelinovsky, D. Ponomarev, "Justification of a nonlinear Schrödinger model for laser beams in photopolymers"
, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 65, 405-433, 2014.
- D. Ponomarev, S. Leble, "Molecular zero-range potential method and its application to cyclic structures"
, arXiv:1101.0439, 2011.
- S. Leble, D. Ponomarev, "Dressing of zero-range potentials into realistic molecular potentials of finite range"
, Task Quarterly, 14, 29-34, 2010.
- D. Ponomarev, O. Nagornov, "On effective wave propagation characteristics in porous fluid-saturated medium containing fluid inclusions"
, Geophysical Journal International, 182 (2), 1043-1057, 2010.
- D. Ponomarev, "High-order time integration Leap-Frog schemes combined with a Discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of the Maxwell equations"
, HAL Id: inria-00424560, 2009.
- O. Nagornov, D. Ponomarev, "Plane wave scattering on spherical inclusions of different types in fluid-saturated porous media"
[accepted with minor revisions in Mechanics of Solids; in Russian], 2009.
- "Some inverse problems with partial data", Ph.D. Thesis
, Université Nice - Sophia Antipolis / INRIA Méditerranée, France, defended on 14/06/2016, supervised by Juliette Leblond, Laurent Baratchart.
- "Justification of a nonlinear Schrödinger model for polymers", M.Sc. Thesis
, McMaster University [Department of Mathematics and Statistics], Canada, defended on 03/05/2012, supervised by Dmitry Pelinovsky.
- "Electronic states in Zero-Range Potential models of nanostructures with a cyclic symmetry", M.Sc. Thesis
, Gdansk University of Technology [Faculty of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics], Poland, defended on 22/06/2010, supervised by Sergey Leble.